1. The blog address. But not yet! I know that nouvelle.blogspot.com is already taken, but it is just a blank website! So I've reported it as spam (here, help me out) about..once a day hoping that Google will let me have it. Does anyone know how to contact Google so I can figure this out..I don't wanna get frustrated because I LOVE google (almost as much as T-rav does) but really!
2. The focus (foci?) of some of the posts might also change. I want to show some before and afters of things that I find at thrift stores & garage sales mainly, but some posts will just have rambling, like on days when all three bosses are gone from work and there's nothing to do but sit and be mad that you forgot your lunch at home!
3. And, possibly just inspiration or other things around the internet that I find..even though I think I was talking to Alvin about this and it doesn't really make sense if every blog blogs about other blogs and so on..but I'll try to keep it interesting.
This is all IF I remember to blog regularly or even rarely.
As for this weekend, I'm excited for a good wholesome Friday night with Ali watching Sex and the City, reading celeb magazines, and eating food. Saturday will be garage sales (maybe a new project for this blog?) a mini female Dordt reunion/bellini drinking time which will be nice, and then Monday is labour day, which is a holiday here in Canada! (suckas..I'm sorry) Do my faithful (3) readers have any awesome plans for this weekend?
Anyways, I'll keep this short and end with the "first draft" of the logo for Nouvelle. Yes, it was made with Paint, and as Alvin mentioned it kind of looks like anatomy on the one side..so it is still being edited. As soon as
And if you don't know what Nouvelle is about..well I'm not sure how you got on this blog then, but keep checking and it will be explained in future posts!
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