I have also been applying to lots of other places still, so far having a total of 5 interviews (out of 758,375 applications)
1. Vision Critical Admin Assistant- Sounded promising in the beginning, but didn't work out. I was intimidated by this job anyways..the girl looked like Rashida Jones..gorgeous!
2. Farmers Market/Various Farms Marketing Coordinator - Again, sounded promising in the beginning (this job I actually really wanted!) but again, didn't work out.
3. Phantom Screens Exec. Assistant - Unsure about this one..liked the atmosphere of the workplace, but not a big fan of the 45 min. personality tests! As I mentioned to someone today, the test results are 50% exactly what I am, and 50% complete bull.
4.Fraser Institute Events Assistant - This one was only a "pre-screening phone interview" which went ok, I think I really want this job also, but I maybe should have been more prepared..we'll see for now!
5. Lastly, A Bread Affair - Service Manager. As per usual, the most recent job that I apply for is the one that I know I reeeeally want, so I reeallly want this job! The interview is on Friday morning. Theres a story with this one:
A few weeks ago I went into "A Bread Affair" (which is a cafe..some of the logans include "we're great in bread!"...don't know what my oma will think if I have to wear that on my t-shirt..) anyways, and as I left I told Jess, "I would love to work here and fix it up a bit, add more seating, put a menu up somewhere, etc." The next day I found this job on craigslist, which is exactly that! (plus hiring people, and some numbers stuff) So I decided to go ahead and apply, saying in my cover letter that I "have a vision for their company" all the while lacking the 2 years food management experience, but applying anyways. Within 24 hours, I got
an interview! So, we'll see how that goes. At this time I'm usually in the "no one else is applying, of course I'll get it!" mood, but the interview will tell more I hope.
In other news, I joined twitter yesterday mainly to find a job and see new events/markets etc. around Vancouver, so I will see if that is useful. So far twitter has brought me: ridicule from my boyfriend, ridicule from my best (cooking) friend, and fake "tweets" that my sister quickly wrote while I was out of the room..so I'm off to a good start!
But do I really want a job? Of course I need the $$$ for all the plans I want to do..but I want a flexible job where I can take time off, leave early, do what I want..etc. Which is pretty much impossible for a new grad. Some of my plans for my jobless summer would include:
-roadtrip with Heidi to Oregon! (Sorry Paul, southern California is too far to drive in so few days), Heidi and I's plan B would be to just fly to LA, since those flights are super cheap also.
-paint my bathroom downstairs and the living room downstairs (aka my new "suite," I love living downstairs! and then re-decorate it with all thrift store finds, and still love it. (I LOVE THRIFT STORES!!) Here is a visual aid:
k nevermind with the picture..it is impossible to work with pictures on blogger! How do I move them around without losing them?
summer plans ctd.
-go to Kelowna this weekend with Jess, to visit my grandparents! I'm excited, and they are too. I think we are going to get some sun, get out of Langley (obviously) make some good food, and just relax..but I'm gonna be honest and hope that they have wireless internet! (Is that lame?)
-drive to california, then drive paul and jess to dordt..this is more of a "wish" but my dad loves roadtrips and is totally in! so as long as I don't get a job until September..it should all work out
-and I have a lot more ideas....but this post has been long enough for a 2nd entry..so have a good night! (alvin I hope you find this..because you requested it!)
Specifically, I requested a site titled paulisMINE.blogspot.com but this is too great, and funny, for me to be mad about anyway. Love your writing voice - frenzied excitement and I can hear you as I read. How many applications did you actually fill out? You should post tips and things you learned from living as a college graduate!